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I can't believe I still haven't found my missing Panatzorists dogtag.

This sucks ):

Hey ho, a not-so-depressing post for once. Yes, I, Syazwana Bte Haji Souyono, proud 3rd Granddaughter of Dato Haji Mustafa and foe to your pet hamsters, shall break out of this boohoo-we're-not-in-the-same-continent shit and shall go back to doing what we panatzorists do best; babble.

As some of you might know, I am currently studying in an all girls school. This experience has been both pure turtore but also trivial. It has really got my head thinking. What've I been thinking about, you ask?

Boobs and balls.

Well, selalu plang ku pikirkan but not in this context.

Here I see boobs every waking hour, in school I see girls with the top half of their buttons popped open and at the college house, girls in bras and towels. I get the boob parade at the college house but the cleavage fiesta in school? Ludacris.

Mainly because, it's a friggin all girls school. There's no one to impress! Unless of course, you plan to hook up with the fat physics teacher, the bald lab technician or the peverted school cook. In which case, boh kadui you have issues. Boys don't have this problem do they? They don't walk around with their dangly bits dancing around. They don't open their zip to let their 'buddy' take a peek. Why why WHY?!

If they can keep their privates locked away then why can't we girls? Have we no self worth? Have we no other way of attracting members of the opposite gender? I just don't get it. I just don't. So whoever does, please feel free to onlighten me.

Thank you.

to you.

Short post made of words that matter.

I miss kamu. I miss US.

Panatzorists forever<33

Zati Panatzorists 05

Yes, this blog is indeed...




For Wana who's feeling a bit BLEH

I wrote this right after sahur
Though it may look like it's made of poo
I made it especially for you
Just thought you'd appreciate it more

So I heard you're feeling low
Thinking your English is shit
And you don't know where to go
In the land of fish and chips
Sure the others are lucky
When you compare it to theirs
Your life there seems so dreary

But we're Scott and Pam

Some people think we're dumb
But what do they all know
So maybe we're quite slow
At least we make life fun
We're always throwing parties
And no one's invited
No one but you and me, Scotty
'Cause it's all in our head

Well, that's how it used to be
Now your new best friend is your bed
Why are your moves so hesitant?
You used to be really confident
There's no one at the party
'Cause it has come to an end
I can't even find you there
Why did you let that happen?

You hold the little black book key
It'll lead you to worlds so unknown
That no one else but you can see
Though you can't; not until you've grown
But, Scotty, just how can you shine
If you're always feeling gloomy
With all my life I guarded that key
Don't tell me it's a waste of time

So here's my conclusion:
Just treat it like just another mission
Though we don't get to use guns
But the times we've had were fun
Why should this be any different?
This time I'm throwing the party
And I'll be waiting for you there
So cheer up, dear Scotty
'Cause you're not alone.

I don't know whether any of you guys will be reading this, but I just wanna say that...


Aku rindu the lame Bruneian humour, aku rindu discussions kami yg explicit, aku rindu the love we shower each other walaupun dalam diam.


And it's only been a week.

This blog is NOT dead.

I repeat, NOT DEAD.

Since Nisah deleted her blog or something (Yeah Nis, I noticed), she MUST update here. The rest I can't promise since I don't know whether we'll have accessible internet connection but rest assured Nis, I will post here. Well, I'll try anyway.

Predictions in two years time...

Zati, will turn into a fashionista with designer Jeans and wicked dresses. Sporting over-developed calves as a result of walking in 7 inch stilletos all day. Boys faint at the mere sight of her armpit hair, while the girls all stare at her while she sleeps.

Nisah, will be the 'It' girl in MS. With a trail of people behind her, she wows the teachers with her grades and the students with her personality. Girls wanna be like her, Boys wanna nail her. Next thing you know, she'll marry a prince. or Ben Burnley. Either way, she's a lucky biyotch.

Sarah, will be the next top pornstar. With 100000000001 boyfriends, she's got hommies to last a lifetime. "Panatzorists? what's that? It's that like a new birth control pill or somethinnn?", she'll utter in her husky voice that she took up to improve business. Oh and she grew taller by like 0.001 cm. Congrats!

Me? I'll just be bald *shrugs*


I find it hilarious that most strangers who had stumbled upon this blog had typed "What is poklen" in google. Then again, I've been finding everything hilarious these past few weeks but that matters not. This is still hilarious.


Everyone knows by now that Zat, Sar and Wan will be in UK for the next 2 years or something. I will still be here, being the geek I've always wanted to be, for the next 2 years or something. I don't think anyone would be updating this blog much. By "much", I mean "ever".

Maybe the three of them will post a short note from the beyond once a blue moon. Let's just hope for that.

For now, I declare this blog officially dead for the next 2 years or something. Unless the other three say something BUT I doubt it.




Nisah, baik ko antar aku and si meng belayar.
If inda...
kami culik si syukri.
and baheh him sampai ia unbahehable.


Day cannot prevail forver, night often interrupts and blankets the sky
Flowers that once were in full bloom will shrivel and die
We should never find comfort in our lives
For change will rip it all apart
The life you've known to love and savour
Will not last forever
I know it's hard to hear

The days you thought will always be
will soon seem minute in the past
Though at different ends of the world
I know one thing will forever last
When I'm cold, alone and depressed
When I think that God's given me too hard a test
The fact that I've got you cheering me on
Puts my mind at rest

Though some questions frighten me greatly
Will you miss me when I'm gone?
Will you reminisce about me?
Can we really hold on?
I guess only time can tell
Since we control so little of our fate
But that's no excuse to give up and die
Never is ever too late

Hello, readers =)

We're tired of unappreciative custards. So us Panatzorists would like to introduce the 'Feel-good' project which is aimed at making you more appreciative of the wonderful (yes, wonderful) life you are living, and also to make you less suicidal and depressed.

So what's it about?

It's simple. All you have to do is write up a post about what you believe to be your positive qualities, and the things you appreciate in life. Don't be falsely humble and say, "but I don't have any positive qualities!" Please. We all know that's not true; there's something beautiful in everyone.

There are no limits to this post. It can contain only one good trait about yourself, or even two million good qualities. It's entirely up to you. You can add on to the list from time to time. So whenever you're feeling depressed, suicidal, and want to give up, turn to your 'feel-good' post and be reminded of the things which make you smile, and hopefully you'll realise how valuable your life really is.

Other people won't be able to judge the contents of your 'feel-good' post because hey, it's your blog and your opinion. As long as you don't put other people down in the process, your post will only serve to show how much you love yourself, and how awesomely confident you are. Those who judge are just jealous losers =)

Oh, and if you don't have a blog/are too embarrassed to post it up, you can just write it in your diary (or a piece of scrap paper even) and keep it somewhere safe and easily accessible so you can read it whenever you feel like it =)

We encourage everyone to take part in this project; it is fun, and it may save your life.

p/s: make sure to link this post in your 'feel-good' post so others can read and take part. Oh, and tag us with your link if you've done it, thanks! =D

with love,



Don't mind the title, Nisah punya pasal... Aku jeles kamu buat long posts. I feel so left out :'( Anyway, since I've already written that oh-so-vulgar word as my title, might as well go along with it.

Ladies and germs, I will now talk about that little thingy thing between your legs. If there is a slight chance that you are weirded out by talking about people's body parts (like Sarah) then you're welcome to leave here.

For the rest of you who actually have the guts to read this... You guys got issues.

I'm not going to go all technical about the parts but more of what it represents. What is expected of us based on our beloved reproductive organs. Let's begin shall we.

Let me give you a background check on yours truly, I'm the only daughter in the family; squished between two older brothers and two younger brothers. So it's not a surprise, how I was (am?) confused about how I should eat, walk, talk and carry myself. Sure I got my mum and she's a girl but you know how it is; I, like many others look up to my older siblings for guidance, for conformity of how I should face the world.

So I mimicked my brothers as much as I could, what they wore, so did I. What they said, I repeated. Life seemed easy till I got to primary 5. I ended up in an all girls school and soon realised that burping out loud and scratching your back side in public is 'unlady like'. That was when all the stereotypical crap kicked in.

I was repeatedly reminded that boys are stronger than girls. Boys are smarter than girls. Boys are far more important. They are the producers, the protectors, the leaders. Girls on the other hand are merely created for entertainment purposes. Reproduction, cooking, washing, child raising and such. For a period of time I actually gave in to this 'fact of life'. Until I grew brains of my own and decided that, what the fuck. This ain't right.

We girls do 'have balls'. Not in a literal I've-got-dangly-bits-between-my-legs kinda way, but we have the courage to stand up for ourselves. We have the guts to go out there and prove our ancestors wrong. Sure we cook and clean, but we are capable of so many other things. Anything a boy can do, so can we... In fact, we might even be better than them at it!

So please... Your future isn't determined by what's between your legs. Its what's between your ears that make all the difference.


They say backstabbing is bad. They say backstabbing is being a fake, two-faced, hypocritical bitch, and that the action is simply MEAN.

I disagree.

Before I go any further, I would like to apologise in advance if I hurt anyone's feelings, and to state that this entire post is based on my opinions alone. You may disagree, but I don't honestly give a damn.

To backstab is to talk of the faults of others behind their backs. In popular malay terms, this act is known as 'mengumpat'.

Everywhere, I hear people say that they hate backstabbers, or two-faced bitches, but I honestly, honestly say that I have never met a person who has never backstabbed a person in their lives.

Yes kamu, I backstab too.

And so do you. Jangantah eksen.

Anyway, point of this post. I don't think that backstabbing is entirely bad, actually. Because I know that different people have different opinions about things. So to me, backstabbing is just a way of voicing out their opinions on a certain person, without intending to hurt that person with their comments.

(Backstabbing is different from spreading ugly rumours)

Dapan-dapan, the backstabber is nice to the backstabbee, and doesn't do things to intentionally hurt him/her. In my opinion, I'd rather pretend I like you, rather than hate you and pick a fight with you in front of everyone else. Because if I backstab a person, it doesn't necessarily mean that I hate him/her; I just dislike some of his/her qualities. Even if I backstab about her (yes, pakai 'her' saja because I bitch about girls more than I do guys, lol), it does not indicate that I want to embarrass her and ruin her life! Inda jua ku sampai hati.

I guess I don't really mind if people backstab about me because I do the same to them. So they don't like you much. So what? Sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you. You're not perfect, you can't please everyone. Guess what? They're not perfect either. So rather than hold back your acidic opinions, why not confide in someone you trust? And kamu, if someone shares their bitchy comments about others with you, jangantah cari pasal kan menyampaikan those words to the person. Traitors are worse than backstabbers.

So what do you think?

Agatah bitching pasal aku and my inability to susun ayat properly (: Kirim salam ia, bitching partner mu ah.


Since no one's updating, I'm going to. With a topic very close to my heart and I'm sure, yours too.


There was a time where everywhere I turn I can hear someone going, "Ass nya tight ah. Rawrrr." It was a very dark time for me because:
(a) I can't go "rawr" properly.
(b) I don't see the fascination with asses.

People don't say that ALL the time now since kan puasa kali. Karang kurang pahala or something.o that's a good thing but once in a while, they do and I never know what to say.

According to wikipedia, asses/buttocks are formed by the masses of the gluteal muscles or 'glutes superimposed by a layer of fat. The buttocks allow primates to sit upright without needing to rest their weight on their feet as four-legged animals do.

Okay, so it helps us look superior to most animals. What does that have to do with someone's sexual appearance (seriously, there has to be a word for it)? I mean, seriously. Is it our primate (primatal?) instinct? Like baboons; they use their bums to attract the other gender.

Fascinated with asses is one thing and saying that it's tight is another. How do you even know that it is, in fact, tight? Do you squeeze them? I asked someone this and she said "Yes, I suppose." Okay, you squeeze asses. Of random strangers/celebrities/your schoolmates? She didn't have an answer for that.

Do you have to have this power to know if it's tight?

What is the use of tight asses in your relationship?

I would really appreciate it if someone could answer some of the questions in this post. If no one answers at least one, I will lose all faith in humanity. Oh, and thanks if there is an answer.

Now that that's off my chest and school's tomorrow, I'm going to start doing all my work now. Adios.

ps: Offended? Call 1-800-don't-kill-me.

Wana <3

Because I think she's the sweetest girl alive (and I want to tell the whole world how awesome SHE is). If she was a guy, I'd have 512387654218 of her kids by now from raping her.

You can never get tired of her. She always has something to talk about and I always look forward to that because it's usually the most interesting thing I'll hear the whole day or even week.

She would listen to your complaints and when she's sure you're done, she'll tell you what she thinks and say something that would comfort you that no one else even thought of.

Sure, sometimes it won't calm you down but she'd listen to your rants once again and, most of the time, won't try to change your mind about it if she knows you are determined to stand on your ground. Unlike everyone else.

She'd think for days over a question you asked in a passing. This is ridiculous but I secretly love it.

The best thing about her is that she's direct. She won't beat around the bush. She'd go straight to the point. You can always tell where you're standing in her mind. With other people (or the majority of it anyway), you'd have to read between the lines and not miss a single thing to find out what they think of you.

Plus, she always says things that make us go "awwwww <3".

I used to be scared of her but I've come to admire and love her. When I grow up, I want to be just like Wana.

<3 kamu

Because I want to tell the world how awesome you guys are.

Things I love about:-

* Nisah

1) I can talk about life and random monstrosities with her.

2) She's not self-conscious about her looks.

3) She never gets tired of me ( I think...)

* Zati

1) She's gorgeous (If I hang out with her, maybe some of it will rub onto me)

2) She's smart and doesn't mind explaining to me stuff that I don't understand.

3) She's the best listener in the world.

* Sarah

1) She motivates me to be a better person.

2) She's amusing to be around.

3) She doesn't mind being seen with me even though I am pretty much at the bottom of the social ladder.


I'm feeling remotely generous today so I'm going to help out you single guys out there who are having a little trouble with the ladies~... *wink*nudge* uhuh uhuh, no kidding. I'll claim $5 at the end of the post mind you :p

1) Sense of humour

- This is mucho, mucho importante. If you can make a girl laugh then that's awesome. You're well on your way to getting a girlfriend. Of course be tasteful... Making fun of other people isn't the right way to impress your leading lady (unless you happen to know that the girl dislikes that person a whole lot).

2) Appearance

- Girls generally don't ask for much. We don't exactly expect you to have huge torpedo arms, ripped abs and brick hard calves. Maybe at one phase of our lives we did but then we snapped out of it and became more realistic. Sure a fit bod is highly appreciated so don't stop doing them sit ups. Style wise, we like the laid back look. Don't try too hard cos that just looks.. uhmmm... desperate? So just jeans, a cool tee and tousled hair is more than enough. Thank you.

3) Conversation

- Do you blame us girls for wanting just a teensy, weensy bit of intellectuality? We like guys whom we can have conversations with. A guy with their own opinions, a guy who can teach us new things, a guy who actually TALKS. You don't have to have an IQ of 350, just be a bit more open and chatty. The chicks will come, I swear.

4) Personality

- I think an example is best for this. Meet A. He likes to watch TV. He likes football. he likes chicken. He likes girls. Now meet B. He enjoys reading books, especially dark fiction and classic literature. He listens to all kinds of music but his favourites are jazz, blues and punk rock. He likes to try out extreme sports such as rock climbing, paint ball and karate. Who sounds more interesting? Of course B lah! Point is, do something different. Try new things, find a hobby. Most of the very few interesting people are that way because they are passionate about something. They are occupied with something and THAT makes them cool.

5) Etiquette

- Okay... well, girls like a gentleman. By that I mean, keep your pants on and your hands preferably off their breasts. Pay for dates (maybe not all of them, a decent girl would chip in most of the time), hold the door for her, swear less in front of her (seriously, do you REALLY think we find boys who swear their heads off attractive?) and just treat her right.

So yeah, that's it. Please take note that this is MY opinion. For girls out there who are going, "Ugh, that is so not true... I DO want a boy who says shit 50x within an hour," go play with your barbie dolls little chickadee. Good luck boys, try this out and you'd prolly get a girl in around.... a month XP I never said the results would be immediate.

So... where's my $5 punk?

If you laugh at the word "Breast", do not read any further.


(Alright here we go)

Hey Mr. Bomoh,
There's a lump in my breast.
(Say what?)
I dunno what to do,
I'm startin' to stress.
Give me some advice
I'm startin' to freak.
Give me something nice
Say something sweet.

They said, "Go to the doc,
They'll give you a poke."
(No way!)
I said, "Daymn, hell no!
You better not joke!"
(That's right)
I know where I'll go
Screw this shit.
(Hell yeah!)
I'm gonna see the big bad bomoh livin' down the street.
(That's me)

Hey Mr Bomoh
You better than Dr. Dick
(Fo' sho'!)
Come on Mr Bomoh
Do something about my tits.
(...Hah. Fo' shizzlllleeeeeee.)


Made by - Meng/Wan.
Rapped by - Meng/Wan + Nis

Yo, let's start with the big girl Sarah
She all over the news, she a superstar
But we panatzorists' see her as it is,
She just a lil girl try 'na make it big.

Next let's head out to Nis' place
She our budding artist creating a masterpiece,
Sure she got OCD like nobody's biz
But we don't give a shit, we love her as she is.

Let's not forget Zati, she the purrrdy one
Guy's all in line try 'na get 'em some.
But she no hoe, she'd turn you down flat
unless you got a baseball bat inside your pants.

And I'm lil Wan just keepin it together
Making sure that these three are happy as ever
Don't you mess with them, cos then you mess with me
And I ain't afraid to smear your blood on my tee.

So it's just us four walking hand in hand,
sure there's the others too but that another clan.
So I guess it's up to here, I'm starting to come up dry.
If you think you can do better, then give it a try.

Lil wan out.

News at 10

Exactly last year, Wana made a post on Ian's birthday. Everyone had already wished him a 'Happy Birthday' but he's Ian.


Happy birthday, Ian :D

I remember the first time I was indirectly introduced to Ian. When he wrote "Ctod" (sp?) on my tablecloth when we were in form 4. Just in case Ian becomes this ridiculously famous guy, I'm going to keep the tablecloth.

plus, it had random doodles by the other Panatzorists. Way too precious to be thrown away <3

ps: If you ever read's Ctod?


Okay, I know this post is waaaayyy over due but god damn it at least ada right?

One of Sarah's gorgeous sisters, the line starts here boys...

Tuan punya rumah devouring junk food

Nis was having fun playing with the fan


[Picture of that hot lady removed because the world is filled with perverts and we don't want the boys to asexually reproduce. Mun paham bisai.]

Those with a boner say 'I'


I initially felt that Sarah should write this post but since I am bored and have nothing better to occupy myself with at the moment, ah what the heck. Pardon me if it's not too good but well, here goes nothing...

Bruneians do recycle. Bottles, tin cans and paper? Nope, I'm not talking about that kind of recycling. What I'm talking about is recycling.... boyfriends/girlfriends. Tadaa~ If you know you're going to hate this post then go ahead and click on the tiny 'x' but if you find yourself nodding and grinning then hey... Keep on reading man.

From my understanding, this kind of recycling is something like this...

A group of friends consist of 4 girls and 4 boys. Sooner or later, they will hook up with each other and after 2 months at most, they will break up and then... Hook up with another person within the group. Ooh, this should be a permutation and combination question. How many different pairs of lovers can be formed within the group? Haha, okay... Geek talk.

And that my friends... is recycling. It's not uncommon to meet a girl and find out that she is your friend's ex, your brother's ex, your cousin's ex, your neighbour's ex and your driver's ex. I mean, come on people. I know Brunei is small but heck, it's not THAT small! This happens a lot in school so yeah, it's hard to find someone who doesn't have a whole list of ex-s tailing behind them.

In my opinion, this whole phenomenon is probably caused by the teenagers' mentality that you simply must be in a relationship to be cool or popular, thus they are driven into the arms of a person they barely know. It's sad... So sad.

So... do you recycle?

  1. You buy storybooks because the cover is pretty.

  2. You refuse to read books without pictures in them.

  3. You point to your wrist whenever you ask what time it is.

  4. You smile for the camera when you take pictures. Of other people.

  5. You think a 'half-cup' bra is a bra with only one cup.
  6. You stop swimming and go indoors because it's starting to rain and you're afraid of getting wet.

  7. You watch football for the hot guys.

  8. You always say, "like like like" and "Oh. MY. God."

  9. You go into a sauna and complain how hot it is.

  10. You think not eating chocolate is dieting.

  11. You think a hyphen is a male hymen.

[11 points because 1 + 1 = 2 and 2 x 2 = 4. Kami 4. It's a sign from God, I suwerrr.]

Post written by Panatzorists. Based on true experiences.

/pukl3nnce/ language spoken by the poklen tribe of G-Town, B-side and other indigenous tribes of similar customs and traditions.

Here are some useful phrases in Poklench. Once broken considered sold.

Lesson Number 1 - The Greeting

The normal greeting - Yaw bui.
The greeting used by higher class Poklens - Yoh.
The greeting used by alim Poklens - Asqwmx. (Assalamualaikum, in case kamu inda paham)

Lesson Number 2 - The Opening Line

The weather - Angat yaw.
The food - Manis buiii.
The smell - Haing buii.
The sound - Soulja Boy buiii.

Lesson Number 3 - The Pick-Up Line

Di Mall - Kiut ko ani dang eh.
Di rumah urang time beraya - Dang, ku dangar, ko ani, lawa gagagaga
Di Tambing - Manis muamu ani, sama manisnya cam belimbing ku jual ani wawawa
Di Westreet - You be my Soulja Gurl shawty.

Lesson Number 4 - The Msg Lingo

Salutation - Hye

Online is on9
tu is toh
ku is quh
boring is vrenx
darling is dalenx
mysh is miss (some dialects use 'myhs')
berabis is vravis

Closing note - Vye

Lesson Number 5 - The Art of the Language

Normal poklens - Hy BaByGuRL
Poklens of higher status - Y@W vAVY9uRL
(Notice the addition of numerals)

Till next time,
Cigu Sarah

On the last day of school, every one of us skipped it and instead went over to Ira's house (too bad Zati and Nadia couldn't come). Once there, we laid our buns on the floor and asked each other, "Bahapa tah nie?" But then Sarah and Aisah came along and after playing with her erotic phone application we then resorted to watching DVDs while stuffing our mouths full of junk food.

Sarah getting high on Pringles
hotninjaboy Nisah

Sarah going through one of Ira's Playgirl magazines

Aisah getting hair on her fingers plucked

Then we got tired of being contained between four walls and proceeded to step outside, keeping an eye out for fresh prey.

We went door to door giving hugs

Teens run amok in Kg Rimba

God wasn't happy with us

Ira was sad cos she didn't have a water tank like her neighbour's

Sarah (who just turned 17 btw) yawning at a sommersaulting cat
Overall : Productive day :)

S.H.A.G! lol

Happy birthday to our beloved Sarah Hanaa! We love you sar =))


Short post. I never know what else to say when I wish someone a happy birthday.

Oh please

Oh you people. When are you going to learn?

Russell Peters is so spit-fire.

But Demetri Martin? Now he's, like, spelling things correctly.

......Poklen rule-wise. On a scale of 10. 1 (as spitfire) being the poklen-est and 10 (going online on the computer) being the least poklen-est.

Demetri rates as a 15 on the scale, baby.

Hair Thingie #3

Uber bangang ni, sal i'm not sure how posts with photos are supposed to look like. But. Oh well.

Rambut lapas cross-country.

If kamu liat ampir-ampir you can see yang cap ku atu Bratz. Dari mana ku belurih jan tah ditanya.

usul bangun tidur. I think.

bah cukup tah tu kali.

PS I Love You (mati pandai aku ani eh)

got owned by junies,

si sarah

How people can look non-retarded right after they wake up and take a shower is beyong my comprehension.

Take 1: Sleepy picture is sleepy.

Take 2: Retarded picture is retarded

Take 3: Poklen pirate picture is poklen.

Random picture is random.

Alrighty then. Zat. Sar. We're waiting ;D

As me and Nisah have nothing better to do with our lives we decided to take pictures of how our hair looks like at specific times, in this case right after we wake up, after a shower and our normal/funkified hair.

#1 look : Baru bangun tidur/ drowsy haven

#2 look : Out of the shower/ the wet look

#3 look : Normal hair (I don't know how to funkify bah)

Random pic : HAHA, Heng Tai, Heng Tai. I am beyond amused.

THE END *flicks hair*

P.S: Sar and Zati mesti buat jua XD

Hormone-inflicted post ahead.

You have been warned.

Okay. Here I go.

Saya meliat 'The Holiday' hari atu, yang ada Jude Law yang hot kan mati ah. Sekali ada tia the thing arah the movie yang refer to characters dalam movies, female characters, to be exact. About how girls are divided into girlfriends and best friends.

Sekali gue ponder punya ponder, banar jua nya orang tua arah cerita atu ah. Arah 'My Best Friend's Wedding', si Jules best friend, si Kim girlfriend. Arah Laguna Beach , si LC best friend, Kirsten girlfriend. Smallville, si the blonde best friend, Lana girlfriend.

Girlfriend atau best friend ani ada advantages and disadvantagesnya. If you think about it, best friend banarnya ada the better personality, the funnier, spunkier, more adventurous and less ayu one. The girlfriend selalunya yang soft-spoken, hottttttt and BORING. The best friend selalunya lagi rapat with the guy, knows the guy better and understands the guy and the guy will actually go to the best friend for help.

Au contraire, the girlfriend yang kana balikan heels warna pink dari mercier yang hundred labih (birthdaysisarahcomingupppp) oleh the guy while the best friend only gets the pink Power Rangers action figure yang si Kimberly "ingat ko tani dulu pernah main ni sekali aku cabut kepala kimberlymu?". The girlfriend yang kana bawa makan di Sheraton and the best friend kana lanja nasi katok mama ganya. Atu pun beshare tiga orang sebungkus.

The girlfriend and the best friend lain in every way. Lain yang teramat. The girlfriend suka Rihanna, the best friend suka Flyleaf. They, however, have one thing in common.

Durang both in love with the same guy.

The girlfriend, obviously, is in love with the guy, pasal atu durang together. The best friend... well, cemani lah. A guy and a girl inda dapat jadi best friends saja without ada rasa suka, walau sikit cemana pun, deep inside. Atu can only happen if durang loathe each other berabis.

Apakan inda make sense ah.

Cemani lah. A guy and a girl cannot be best friends saja unless if they find each other berabisly revolting. So unless best friend kamu atu salivate every 5 seconds and idungnya inda belubang, there's this like really huge possibility yang kamu involved in unrequited love. As in kamu banarnya diam-diam in love with the guy.

Which is sad. No girl deserves to just be a best friend. Every girl ada every right in the world to be a guy's girlfriend. Every girl deserves the heels from Mercier. No girl should ever have to help ia punya guy get another girl, and no girl should have to be in love with a guy who slaps her back HARD as ia punya form of greeting.

So, ladies, kamu girlfriend kah best friend?

si sarah

Si Sarah here. Finally ada proper internet and will now fill this blog with a thousand and one useless posts about life, MS, life, kami ampat, life, Swensen outings and teen angst. And life.

But not awal ani.

Nanti tah.

Udah saya abis meliat Ugly Betty and abis drooling over si GIOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Meng aku tau kau pun guna ia.

And and gitau aku kamu mau aku buat post pasal apa yaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh.

In love with si Gio,
Sarah bini si Gio

Oh darn

Zati's getting laid soon. Boo. Nah, nis. I updated :D


You guys should update more often, you hardworking kiddies.

Poor blog is left all alone while you "study".






Pfft. right. So national day practice going head on and kinda sucks cos Zati and Nisah dua2 nda ikut pasal migraine problems. Geez, you guys are seriously stressed out huh? Well, yeah... With the way Pra-U life has been treating each and every one of us, I'm not surprised. So me and sar go to padang every morning, marching our socks off in the rain, while Nis and zati menalurs in the school library like prodigies, waiting for afternoon class. Kami separated and saya sad :(

P.S: Get better soon guys.

oh hey.

We need to update this blog more often. *waits for Sarah to get e-speed*


Because we're awesome ;)

This is late but....


hahahaha I amuse myself.

Yeah, as Nis pointed out. Results are out, so I guess that's pretty much it. Nothing particular to look forward to now... I'm kinda bummed. I mean, everything's changing. Zat's probably moving to MD, Sar's probaby flying off, Ema's going to study in KL, Nisah's pobably going to get laid. Nyah. I really REALLY want to go out with them Panats soon, staying home and doing nothing is kinda making me depressed... I MISS YOU EVERYBODY!!!


It finally came out!


Wan, Zat and Sar got better marks than me ):

Sad Nisah is sad.

Oh boy...

After several days of, "OMG, result keluar sudah kah?". The time is now here, well not yet but it soon will be XP Aku sengaja buat this post supaya zati and sarah lompat-lompat and menangis. Me and Nisah don't really give a shit *bump* My guess is that it's coming out on Saturday, that is if people from the ministry aren't too busy sitting on their asses gossiping about Siti Nurhaliza. Paling akhir pun Monday lah, but pokoknya soon. Oh so soon... Kesian this page jarang kena update and visit. My heart bleeds for you poor bloggie...

Today was one of my 'wisdomosity' days. I thought of how weak we humans are and how we give in to temptation, even after a while of deliberating. Infact, I thought of a whole scene about it...

evil: come to the dark side...

average person: NEVER~

evil: we have cookies.

average person: OoOooOooh... Okay.

Point made. I'm not calling anyone sinners or what not, it's just that it's... funny. Well, maybe not funny. Something on the lines of interesting and amusing. We are mere mortals after all, and those who claim to be otherwise are just too arrogant to admit it.

P.S: I have no idea what the point of this whole post is =D *thumbs up*

Mari main kira-kira :)