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Hello, readers =)

We're tired of unappreciative custards. So us Panatzorists would like to introduce the 'Feel-good' project which is aimed at making you more appreciative of the wonderful (yes, wonderful) life you are living, and also to make you less suicidal and depressed.

So what's it about?

It's simple. All you have to do is write up a post about what you believe to be your positive qualities, and the things you appreciate in life. Don't be falsely humble and say, "but I don't have any positive qualities!" Please. We all know that's not true; there's something beautiful in everyone.

There are no limits to this post. It can contain only one good trait about yourself, or even two million good qualities. It's entirely up to you. You can add on to the list from time to time. So whenever you're feeling depressed, suicidal, and want to give up, turn to your 'feel-good' post and be reminded of the things which make you smile, and hopefully you'll realise how valuable your life really is.

Other people won't be able to judge the contents of your 'feel-good' post because hey, it's your blog and your opinion. As long as you don't put other people down in the process, your post will only serve to show how much you love yourself, and how awesomely confident you are. Those who judge are just jealous losers =)

Oh, and if you don't have a blog/are too embarrassed to post it up, you can just write it in your diary (or a piece of scrap paper even) and keep it somewhere safe and easily accessible so you can read it whenever you feel like it =)

We encourage everyone to take part in this project; it is fun, and it may save your life.

p/s: make sure to link this post in your 'feel-good' post so others can read and take part. Oh, and tag us with your link if you've done it, thanks! =D

with love,



Don't mind the title, Nisah punya pasal... Aku jeles kamu buat long posts. I feel so left out :'( Anyway, since I've already written that oh-so-vulgar word as my title, might as well go along with it.

Ladies and germs, I will now talk about that little thingy thing between your legs. If there is a slight chance that you are weirded out by talking about people's body parts (like Sarah) then you're welcome to leave here.

For the rest of you who actually have the guts to read this... You guys got issues.

I'm not going to go all technical about the parts but more of what it represents. What is expected of us based on our beloved reproductive organs. Let's begin shall we.

Let me give you a background check on yours truly, I'm the only daughter in the family; squished between two older brothers and two younger brothers. So it's not a surprise, how I was (am?) confused about how I should eat, walk, talk and carry myself. Sure I got my mum and she's a girl but you know how it is; I, like many others look up to my older siblings for guidance, for conformity of how I should face the world.

So I mimicked my brothers as much as I could, what they wore, so did I. What they said, I repeated. Life seemed easy till I got to primary 5. I ended up in an all girls school and soon realised that burping out loud and scratching your back side in public is 'unlady like'. That was when all the stereotypical crap kicked in.

I was repeatedly reminded that boys are stronger than girls. Boys are smarter than girls. Boys are far more important. They are the producers, the protectors, the leaders. Girls on the other hand are merely created for entertainment purposes. Reproduction, cooking, washing, child raising and such. For a period of time I actually gave in to this 'fact of life'. Until I grew brains of my own and decided that, what the fuck. This ain't right.

We girls do 'have balls'. Not in a literal I've-got-dangly-bits-between-my-legs kinda way, but we have the courage to stand up for ourselves. We have the guts to go out there and prove our ancestors wrong. Sure we cook and clean, but we are capable of so many other things. Anything a boy can do, so can we... In fact, we might even be better than them at it!

So please... Your future isn't determined by what's between your legs. Its what's between your ears that make all the difference.


They say backstabbing is bad. They say backstabbing is being a fake, two-faced, hypocritical bitch, and that the action is simply MEAN.

I disagree.

Before I go any further, I would like to apologise in advance if I hurt anyone's feelings, and to state that this entire post is based on my opinions alone. You may disagree, but I don't honestly give a damn.

To backstab is to talk of the faults of others behind their backs. In popular malay terms, this act is known as 'mengumpat'.

Everywhere, I hear people say that they hate backstabbers, or two-faced bitches, but I honestly, honestly say that I have never met a person who has never backstabbed a person in their lives.

Yes kamu, I backstab too.

And so do you. Jangantah eksen.

Anyway, point of this post. I don't think that backstabbing is entirely bad, actually. Because I know that different people have different opinions about things. So to me, backstabbing is just a way of voicing out their opinions on a certain person, without intending to hurt that person with their comments.

(Backstabbing is different from spreading ugly rumours)

Dapan-dapan, the backstabber is nice to the backstabbee, and doesn't do things to intentionally hurt him/her. In my opinion, I'd rather pretend I like you, rather than hate you and pick a fight with you in front of everyone else. Because if I backstab a person, it doesn't necessarily mean that I hate him/her; I just dislike some of his/her qualities. Even if I backstab about her (yes, pakai 'her' saja because I bitch about girls more than I do guys, lol), it does not indicate that I want to embarrass her and ruin her life! Inda jua ku sampai hati.

I guess I don't really mind if people backstab about me because I do the same to them. So they don't like you much. So what? Sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you. You're not perfect, you can't please everyone. Guess what? They're not perfect either. So rather than hold back your acidic opinions, why not confide in someone you trust? And kamu, if someone shares their bitchy comments about others with you, jangantah cari pasal kan menyampaikan those words to the person. Traitors are worse than backstabbers.

So what do you think?

Agatah bitching pasal aku and my inability to susun ayat properly (: Kirim salam ia, bitching partner mu ah.

Mari main kira-kira :)