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You know you're a bimbo when...

  1. You buy storybooks because the cover is pretty.

  2. You refuse to read books without pictures in them.

  3. You point to your wrist whenever you ask what time it is.

  4. You smile for the camera when you take pictures. Of other people.

  5. You think a 'half-cup' bra is a bra with only one cup.
  6. You stop swimming and go indoors because it's starting to rain and you're afraid of getting wet.

  7. You watch football for the hot guys.

  8. You always say, "like like like" and "Oh. MY. God."

  9. You go into a sauna and complain how hot it is.

  10. You think not eating chocolate is dieting.

  11. You think a hyphen is a male hymen.

[11 points because 1 + 1 = 2 and 2 x 2 = 4. Kami 4. It's a sign from God, I suwerrr.]

Post written by Panatzorists. Based on true experiences.


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Mari main kira-kira :)