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Alright, before we get too carried away with this miraculous page of the web, I think it's only appropriate that we introduce ourselves (P.S: It doesn't matter whether you agree or not cos I'm gonna do this shit anyways).

Name(in order of preference): Wan/Meng/Sar's babun
Age: 16 yrs 7 mths
Date of Birth: 7 sept 1990
Reason(s) for living: karate, DDR, spartan-like men *drools*
Hates: spiders, tummy aches, show-offs, wannabes, decision making
Motto in life: What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger

Well, hope you'll enjoy this little patch of haven that me and my mates will reside in and do remember that yes, we are insane and yes, we did create sailormoon. Have a nice day suckers :)


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Mari main kira-kira :)