Panatzorists down! Panatzorists down! Sarah Hanna and Hanisah have been found to be absent today from school apparently because of a fever. Wan was quoted to say that Sarah did indeed look like crap yesterday during training and Sarah even foreshadowed the event of her absence. Hanisah however did attend school this morning but only managed to survive until break time until which she was escorted by her father home. Therefore Zati and Wan spent quality time together for the remainder of the day, talking smack about moleymoleymoley ridiculously annoying biyatch and bonding with the beloved budak-budak ginis upfront. We sincerely hope for the fast and miraculous recovery of both members of the Panatzorists and also wishes for their presence back in school as soon as possible. Also, we would like to wish our close friend Ian a smashing birthday. Thank you, more updates on Channel Dot later.
Organised under : meng, panatzorists, random news