I'll say it time and again, Pinji is brilliant. Just look at our brand new layout.. Nuff said. It inspired me to write a post but I don't really have anything to post about. Hmm... Oh, I'll try to sound all smart and professional by writing an album review. Ehem...
My brother bought me an album recently by a band that I've never heard of. I was pretty sceptical about it since this particular brother of mine is very much into hip hop and stuff like that. So when I accepted the CD, I didn't expect much. It was from a band called 'Dream Theatre'. There's a lot of instrumental parts in it and when the vocals did come in, the guy's voice was so soft it made me squirm. But I like the guitar parts, it sounds very much like the parts in the classic rock songs which I find mysteriously soothing. The lyrics to their songs are very biblical yet also had a dark cult-like quality. Definitely not something I would listen to in the car with my mom. Overall, I would give it a 7/10 considering how technical the guitar parts are and there's only one guitarist. I salute! The words in the songs are also inspirational and well written, but dont expect something that you can sing along to.
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