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Elephant Juice

I just had an arguement with zati about... Jeng jeng jeng... Platonic relationships.

Me, being the sceptic/pessimist/bitter old lady that I am, believe that there's no such thing. Well maybe there is but it is highly unlikely. A platonic relationship to me will only work if:-

1) one of them (or both) are already in a relationship
2) one of them are seriously hideous that no sane person would ever consider being with them
3) they're related (2nd cousins or something)

Cos well quite frankly the whole point of us being organisms are to reproduce and die. It's a built in mechanism that no one can deny. So being of the opposite gender with all these hormones swimming around, once you get close to someone there will be something there. Maybe not exactly the whole shabang but there will be something.

We've got this pathetic need to be loved and touched and shit, so when you've found someone who's willing to give you that attention, of course things will divert to somewhere you never thought it would lead (or did you?)

That's what I think anyway. I'm sure most will disagree but the fun part will be you trying to convince me that I'm wrong.

Bring it.

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